in the Constellation Leo
is a barred spiral galaxy. It lies at a distance of 38 million light-years
from Earth. M95 is a member of the Leo I or M96 group, which also contains
M96, M105 and a number of fainter galaxies.
- Instrument:
Celestron C14 SCT @ f/6.0 (2136mm) focal length
- Mount:
Astro-Physics AP-1200GTO
- Image Scale: 0.94
arc-seconds per pixel after processing
- Camera: SBIG
ST-2000XM with CFW8 Color Filter Wheel and AO-8 Adaptive Optics
- Filters & Exposure
- L: 12
x 5 minutes binned 1 x 1
- R:
12 x 5 minutes binned 2 x 2
G: 6
x 5 minutes binned 2 x 2
B: 6
x 5 minutes binned 2 x 2
- LRGB stacking and processing was used
for a total equivalent unbinned exposure time of 5 hours
- Software: Maxim
DL/CCD, Adobe Photoshop CS2, RC Astro Gradient X-Terminator, Neat Image
- Location: C.A.A.S.
East Observatory, Little Rock, AR., El. 650 ft.
- Date: June
13th, 2009