@ 04:30 UT, March 26th, 2012
Mars is shown here just past its 2012 opposition
with Earth. The disk has an apparent diameter of 13 arc-seconds. The
planet's Amazonis, Memnonia, and Tharsis plains are shown here. The Solis
Lacus region is on the extreme upper right edge of the planet's disk. Also
of note are some wispy white cloud structures on the right limb of Mars and
equatorial region of the disk.. The blue haze of Mars' atmosphere can also be
detected on the left limb areas of the disk. The planet is shown in
inverted mode, with the North polar ice cap very prominent at the bottom limb
Image information courtesy of Seds.
- Instrument:
Celestron CC14 EdgeHD SCT @ f/22 (3910mm native focal length with 2x
Televue Powermate Image Amplifier for 7820mm total focal length)
- Mount: Astro-Physics
AP-1200GTOCP3 GoTo
- Image Scale: 0.07
- Filters: Astronomik
R,G,B filters and Starlight Xpress filter wheel
- Exposure: 16-bit
Mono .Tif Files @ 1000 frames each filter, shot @ 60 frames per second)
- Camera: Point
Grey Flea-3 FL3-U3-32S2M Mono Webcam
- Software: Point
Grey FlyCap-2 capture software, AviStack-2, Registax Wavelets Ver. 6,
Adobe Photoshop CS2
- Location: Little
Rock, AR., El. 650ft
Date: 04:30
GMT March 25th, 2012
Earlier Mars Images
- Instrument:
Celestron C14 OTA @ f/11 (3910mm)
- Mount: Celestron
- Filters: None
- Camera: Nikon
CoolPix 990 using afocal eyepiece projection with Televue Nagler 16mm
- Magnification: 244x
- Software: Registax
Ver. 3, Adobe Photoshop CS
- Location: Little
Rock, AR., El. 350ft
- Date: September
4, 2003